
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another run

I continued my week waking up and going for a 3 mile run.  I took a different route than last time. That is one of the most important pieces for me, changing things up.  The weather has been so nice here that I needed to take advantage of it.   May 15th marks the day for my first 5k.  I am signing up for it and feel way more prepared for it than I did in the past. 

Another part of my day today was spent in my backyard with my 2 daughters; ages 8 and 5.  We played soccer and I helped them get familiar with jumping rope.  My older daughter was also excited to talk about her recent runner's club that she joined.  I can't help but think that they are being influenced on the importance of health and fitness just by seeing it as part of the normal daily activities in our household.  

Not sure about tomorrow's workout yet.  Friday may be Kenpo Cardio +.  I can see that as being one of my new favorite workouts.

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